Islamorada - On the Way to Visit Cats With Six Toes

Somewhere along the Florida Keys, but before you get to Key West, the southern-most key, is the amazingly beautiful key, Islamorada - the fishing capital of the world. 

Some scenes above are from my hotel deck, others, are on the grounds of the Islamorada Fish Company restaurant, and the very well stocked World Wide Sportsman outfitters. Those in the Greater Sacramento area, would be able to compare to Cabella's near Reno - although more specialized in fishing.

We had amazing lobsters at The Fish Company restaurant last evening, but were equally impressed with the Yellow Tail fish cooked Cuban style at Uncle's this evening.

There was a 4 hour eco-tour by boat, among some of the keys this morning.  Amazing bird and water critter life, and mangroves, mangroves, mangroves.

The last couple of days in Islamorada, I've been dwelling in the footprints of Zane Grey's past.

Tomorrow we head for Key West - Hemmingway country, to visit cats with too many toes.

"Men may rise on stepping stones of their dead selves to higher things". . . Zane Grey

Written by Myrl Jeffcoat  2/9/2010
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